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Insurance, Profession of Future

News Date: 06-03-2025



When we started insurance agency, it was the period when “agency of so-and-so company” was written on the truck tyre, exactly 20 years ago. However, the insurance sector has started to gain its prestige with participation of educated individuals and laws enacted by the Undersecretariat of Treasury currently.

I tried to relieve people from their pains in dentistry which is my proffession and I try to prevent damages to people and recover their losses now. Each branch of education is required in this sector whether you studied Economy, Engineering or Medicine. Insurance is a part of the social life and then it becomes a part of our life. You start to see each event and each place from that perspective and you desire to raise awareness of our public on this matter. As a matter of fact, the Undersecretariat of Treasury and Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies have many studies in this respect.


In the flood disaster on Basin Ekspres road, we supported our victims of the flood disaster immediately. I was sorry when I saw the despair of uninsured people when we examined the surroundings thinking that if only they would also be insured because injuries of the insured ones were treated in a very short period and they were able to return to their normal life.

That’s to say the insurance sector is a very significant sector for our people and state. You may transfer all our risks to abroad at a very low cost. We may secure our property and life against natural disasters, fire, terror and accidents and our State is not damaged from this loss at all.

The brokerage institution was started to be established in Turkey in 1991. Broker companies perform risk analysis of companies and carry them under a safer umbrella. Employees of the brokerage company are the sophisticated and experienced individuals of this sector.

We are required to develop new products and new projects, conduct risk management and raise awareness of our public. As NGI, we created a new product acting as the coordinator of Galatasaray Sports Club with HDI.  (HDIGS POLICY) We felt excitement of creating a precursor in Turkey enthusiastically.

Ms. Elif, my daughter and partner, works on a new product now. Always innovation, always excitement, this is such a sector; we should keep up with the times.

I believe that our sector shall advance faster when our good trained young people join with us.
I like my profession very much and I enjoy my job.

I believe that the young people, who completed the insurance education or set their heart on this profession may have a very good future and I wish success for our community.